Sunday, December 16, 2007


I've started this blog to introduce people about some of the aspects of business. My knowledge of business is goes with the business done at a typical small shop in India, doing online business through trading goods and through online posts/blogs. There are many other types of doing businesses online about which I'd be telling you in my future blogs.
Along with my experiences I'd also like to share with you the various things that I've learnt from some of the books on investing and doing business and my insights on the views expressed in them.
I'd like to start with one of the books that I've recently read first.

In the book that I read, the author who is a stock market firm chief talks about his ways investing in the markets. He starts with the fact that investment acumen is only gained slowly and through practice. He warns of always keeping your losses in check. As is correctly said he asks the reader to have discipline (by that he meant always keeping our emotions in control) in their investing practices. Sell as soon as you make losses of more than 7% on your investment.
He later says that there is no perfect time for starting to invest; you don't have to wait for a right job or for a big sum of money to accumulate to start investing. (I agree with him in that the fact remains that the sooner we start to invest the more we'll have for our later days. And as is rightly said by Einstein the most powerful force in the universe is compounding and the sooner we start the more we'll gain from the compounding effect.)
He further advises us to follow a strict set of rules for investing. Not to stray from these rules is very important since the market is an unpredictable place with upswings and downswings and it becomes absolutely essential that we don't get depressed or too excited at times.

There is much more to discuss about investing which I'll do in my next blog. Till then make some plans for investing of your own.

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