Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Other Profitable Options

There are some other situations where Net auctions do a sensational job in
promoting and building a business.

- Import/Export Business -- The import and/or export business is
wonderful for auctions. You are dealing with unique merchandise that is not
widely distributed. Remember, people are willing to pay more for something
that is exclusive.
If you have ties to suppliers in other countries, there is a wealth of merchandise
that would make perfect niche products to sell in your country. And there are all kinds of folks from other parts of the world looking for someone to represent their products outside their home countries. Of course, the import/export business has its own rules like everything else and it is necessary to know what you are doing before you rush into it.

The following information could be useful for offline as well online help for citizens of various countries.

For U.S. citizens:-
-United States Chamber of Commerce, 202-463-5460
-U S Trade Information Center, 800-872-8723, h ttp://www.ita.doc.gov/tic
-World Trade Centers Association, 1 World Trade Center, Suite 7701, New
York, NY, 212-432-2626

For Indian citizens:-
-Export Inspection Agency-Mumbai (Head Office)
Aman Chambers - 4th Floor,
113, Maharshi Karve Road,
Mumbai - 400 004.
Tel: 022 - 2363 0311 / 2363 0312 / 2363 0113
Fax: 022 - 2368 3927
E – mail: eiabombay@eicindia.org

For UK citizens:-
General enquiries: +44 (0)20 7008 1500
+44 (0)20 7215 8000
or by Minicom on +44 (0)20 7215 2471, 9.00am - 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Online enquiry:-https://www.uktradeinvest.gov.uk/ukti/appmanager/ukti/home?_nfls=false&_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=contact_us

For Australian citizens:-
-Customs Information and support centre
telephone: 1300 363 263
email: information@customs.gov.au
internet: www.customs.gov.au
-Foreign affairs and trade, Department of
International Law and transnational crime section
telephone: 02 6261 1111 fax: 02 6261 3111
email: sanctions@dfat.gov.au
internet: www.dfat.gov.au

For Canadian citizens:-
Export News, Canadian Exporters Association, 99 Bank Street, Suite 250,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6B9, 613-238-8888

- Advertising your products
Say you have a site where you want to promote yourself as a professional or sell some service which can’t be done at eBay. If you go for advertising in a famous magazine or even newspaper, daily advertising will definitely be more than that of a listing cost at eBay.
What you can do is list an infoproduct to promote your business. List it for a very low cost, with some useful help guide in it(so that the buyer has some satisfaction of buying it afterall.). You have to list it at a price since auction sites do require you to list goods at a price.
Develop your whole promotion plan to pull target customer traffic in both
directions -- from auction listing to Web site and from Web site to auction listing.

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